A Study on the Artistic Value in the Modern Graphic Arts

현대인쇄에 있어서 예술성의 문제

  • Published : 1984.04.01


Shince the introduction of machine methods into industry a problem has existed which has never been adequately solved. .... That is to say, there is no difference between the essential qualities of Machine art and abstract art, which is the main style of fine arts in the present day. This problem has been discussed by John Ruskin, William Morris, Herbert Read. In this study, I discussed the artistic value in the modern graphic arts from the standpoint of Herbert Read on the machine art. According to the above-mentioned discussings, we can come to the conclusion as follows 1) The machine art lie at the root of abstract art, and whenever the final product of machine is designed or determined by anyone sensitive to formal values, that product can and does become an abstract work of art in the subtler sense of the term. 2) We must recognize that graphic design is a function of the abstract artist, and the abstract artist must be given a place in the graphic arts in which be is not already established, and his decision on all questions of design must be final. 3) Therefore, the graphic designer must have therough knowledge of graphic arts technology in order to give the artistic value to the objects of machine production.

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