류집분석과 주성분분석에 의한 한국산 메꽃과의 수량분류학적 연구

A Numerical Taxonomic Study of Calystegia in Korea by the Cluster Analysis and Principal Component Analysis

  • 발행 : 1984.03.01


The relationships and character variations on 5 taxa of Calystegia were examined by sluster analysis and principal component analysis. Thirteen Calystegia population samples from the middle part of Korea were observed. Although minor differences were noted, essentially similar results were obtained from the phenograms by UPGMA, UPGMC and Ward's clustering methods, and these results were in accordance with those obtained from the ordination plots by principal component analysis. C. soldanella is distantly connected with the other taxa mainly because of its morphologically different leaf organs. Based on the difference on the first principal component, C. hederacae is kept apart from the rest 3 taxa. In the relationships among C. japonica, C. sepium var. americana and C. davurica, mivor differences were obtained from the 3 clustering methods. As to the character variations among different populations within a taxon, they are slight in C. soldanella and C. sepium var. americana, but remarkable in C. hederacae and C. davurica.
