$MgO-SiO_2$계 자기소지에 미치는 첨가제의 영향

Studies on the Effect for the Addition in the Porcelain Body of $MgO-SiO_2$ System

  • 이은상 (한양대 무기재료공학과) ;
  • 최성철 (한양대 무기재료공학과)
  • 발행 : 1984.01.01


This study has exemined on the effect for the fitting in porcelain body of $MgO-SiO_2$ system. The mixture was made of corresponding in the theoretical composition of enstatite with Kyul Sung talc and sea water magnesia cake. Hyup Jin kaolin as clay minerals to give the mixtue plasticity was added 10% by weight of the mixture. Also feldspar was added 5% by weight of the above mixture. We added limestone in various kinds of 1%-20% by weight of mixture included kaoil and feldspar in order last of all. The mixture was fire at the various temperatures from 12$25^{\circ}C$ to 13$25^{\circ}C$. After we examined closely physcial properties and microstructures we achieved the following results. 1) 5% addition amount of limestone was good for the property of the strength at the full firing temperatures. But 10% and 15% additions were remarkably excellant below 1275$^{\circ}C$ 2)When we considered the apparent bulk density 5% addition was good for the full firing temperature. 3) 5% addition amount of limestone was proved to be the most excellant propeties between 130$0^{\circ}C$ and 13$25^{\circ}C$ when we considered the apparent bulk density and the range of the firing temperature.



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