智異山 亞高山帶 針葉樹林의 更新

Regeneration Process of Subalpine Coniferous Forest in Mt. Jiri

  • 발행 : 1984.04.01


Regneration process of Abies koreana-Pinus koraiensis community consisted of a subalpione coniferous forest in Mt. Jiri, Korea, was studied in relation to age structure, especially to gap formation. The tall-tree layer (ca. 6.5m) is dominated by Abies koreana and Pinus koraiensis, while lower layer by the sapling and juveniles of A. koreana and Picea jezoensis below 2m tall. The ranges of DBH in A. koreana, P. koraiensis and P. jezonesis were 11.8cm~26.4m, 11.7cm~24.5 cm and 18.2cm~21.7 cm, respectively. The trees below 130 cm tall had contagious distribution, while tall and subtall trees had uniform distribution. The average tree ages of A. koreana, P. koraieniensis and P. jezoensis were 60~70 years, 70~80 years and 70~90 years, respectively. The saplings and juveniles below 20 years in tree ages were occupied over 80% of total trees. The coniferous trees in the gaps or around dead trees were composed of sapligs and juveniles which had emerged or invaded about 20 years before and after the gap formation. The Betula type regeneration of the coniferous forest took place in gaps which orginated from the failing down of a single or a few trees by longevity. Accordingly, it is clear that the subalpine coniferous forest composed of A. koreana of A. koreana, P. koraiensis and P. jezoensis in Mt. jiri was supporting by the regeneration pattern of Betula type.
