HANSFOR : 한글 프로그래밍 언어

  • 발행 : 1984.12.01


Hangout programming language, written in Hangout and having syntax of Korean, can enhance readability very much for its naturalness, and is suited for Hangout data processing. But there exist several problems in implementing it due to the peculiarities of Korean such as verb position, variation of termination. This paper proposes a solution for implementing Hangeul high level language and introduces a Hangout programming language HANSFOR (Hangout Structured Fortran), implemented according to the proposed method. HANSFOR satisfies such requirements of Hangout high level language as mentioned above and can handle Korean and Chinese character data efficiently. Especially, though it is based on Fortran, it is free-formatted and provides structured programming concept to compensate for defects of original Fortran. It is successfully implemented on NEC S/100.
