생약복합제제(生藥複合製劑)의 약효(藥效) 연구(硏究) (제19보)(第19報) -사물안신탕(四物安神湯)이 순환기계(循環器系) 및 Phenylhydrazine으로 유발(誘發)된 가토빈혈(家兎貧血)에 대한 영향(影響)-

Studies on the Efficacy of Combined Preparation of Crude Drug (XIX) -The effect of ‘Samulanshintang’ on the Cardiovascular System and Anemic Rabbits induced by Phenylhydrazine-

  • 발행 : 1984.12.30


It was previously indicated that 'Samulanshintang' had been examined for effects of the anticonvulsive, antipyretic, analgesic, sedative and antispasmodic actions. In order to investigate the effect on the cardiovascular system and anemic rabbits induced by phenlhydrazine HCl, pharmacological studies have been carried out with extract. The results of this investigation were summarized as follows: The relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle and antihistamine action were recognized. Antihypertensive and vasodilating actions due to vascular smooth muscle relaxation were noted in frogs and rabbits. 'Samulanshintang' lowered the rate of anemia induced by phenylhydrazine and rapidly recovered from the anemia state.
