Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition (한국식품영양과학회지)
- Volume 12 Issue 1
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- Pages.27-30
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- 1983
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- 1226-3311(pISSN)
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- 2288-5978(eISSN)
Studies on the Amounts of Solubilized L-Ascorbic Acid in Green Tea by Extracting Conditions
침출조건(浸出條件)에 따른 녹차(綠茶)의 L-Ascorbic Acid 용출량(溶出量)에 관한 연구(硏究)
Sin, Mee Gyung
(Wonkwang University) ;
- Lee, Sung Woo (Hanyang University)
- Received : 1983.02.01
- Published : 1983.03.31
This study was carried out to measure the extracted L-ascorbic acid (AsA) amounts of Korean green tea under the different extracting conditions and the measurement followed the method of 2,4-dinitrophey lhydrazine (DNP) which were reformed by Tamula. The results are summarized as follows : 1. The better he quality of green tea was, the higher the rete of AsA extraction was and the green tea having a good quality was well extracted even in low temperature. 2. The rate of AsA extraction of green tea became higher in proportion to the temperature and in the case of
전촌(田村)가 개량(改良)한 DNP법(法)에 의(依)하여 녹차(錄茶)의 침출조건(浸出條件)에 따른 ascorbic acid용출량(溶出量)에 대(對)하여 검토(檢討)를 하였다. (1) 녹차(錄茶)는 양질(良質)의 것 일수록 ascorbic acid의 용출율(溶出率)이 높고 저온(低溫)에서도 잘 용출되었다. (2) 녹차(錄茶)는 물의 온도가 높을수록 ascorbic acid의 용출율(溶出率)이 높고