Supported by : 서울대학교 병원
Thirty eight mandibular second premolars were injected with china ink, decalcified, cleared and used in an in vitro study to determine the number of root canals, the frequency and location of lateral canals, the location of apical foramens, the frequency of apical deltas, and the curvature of root canals. The results were as follows: 1. Most of the teeth demonstrated single canal, but 5.3% of the teeth were found to have bifurcated or trifurcated canals. 2. Of the 40 canals studied, 52.5% of the canals were found to have lateral canals and these ramifications were usually located in the apical third of the root. 3. 7 apical foramens were located directly on the root apex and 31 foramens laterally. 4. 4 canals showed mesial curvature, 20 canals distal curvature, 11 canals buccal curvature, and 8 canals lingual curvature.
Supported by : 서울대학교 병원