한국환경농학회지 (Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture)
- 제2권2호
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- Pages.103-107
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- 1983
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- 1225-3537(pISSN)
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- 2233-4173(eISSN)
Photochemical Oxidants에 의한 수도피해(水稻被害) 해석(解析)
Photochemical Oxidants Damage in Rice Plants
생활탄(生活炭) 및 이산화(二酸化)망강필타로 공기(空氣)를 로과(瀘過)한 정화실(淨化室)과 공기(空氣)를 그대로 송입(送入)한 비정화실(非淨化室)로 구분(區分)하여 재배(栽培)한 수도(水稻)에 대(對)한 photochemical oxidants 피해발생(被害發生)은 공기정화실(空氣淨化室)에서 생육(生育)한 수도(水稻)에는 인정(認定)되지 않았으나 비정화실(非淨化室)에서는 10pphm 이상(以上)의 photochemical oxidants가 발생(發生)한 다음날에 2회(回) 가시피해증상(可視被害症狀)이 관찰(觀察)되었다. 공기정화실(空氣淨化室)의 수도(水稻) 생육양(生育量)은 지상부(地上部) 및 근부(根部) 모두 비정화실(非淨化室)보다 증가(增加)하였으며 특(特)히 근부(根部)의 생육량(生育量) 증가(增加)가 현저(顯著)하였다. 식물(植物)의 기공개폐(氣孔開閉)와 밀접(密接)한 관계(關係)가 있는 ABA 함량(含量)은 비정화실(非淨化室)의 수도(水稻)가 정화실(淨化室)의 수도(水稻)보다 높아 photochemical oxidants에 의(依)하여 식물체내(植物體內) ABA 함량(含量)이 증가(增加)되었다. 외기(外氣)를 정화(淨化)하므로서 근활력(根活力)이 현저(顯著)히 증가(增加)하여 photochemical oxidants 피해(被害)에 의(依)하여 근활력(根活力)이 현저(顯著)히 감소(減少)하는 것이 확인(確認)되었다.
The effect of photochemical oxidants on rice plants was measured by growing the rice plants Nihonbare in pot in charcoal-manganese oxide filtered atmosphere and non-filtered air. Visible injury on the leaf blades of rice plants were observed in plants grown under the unfiltered air chamber, but plants under filtered air chamber were free from any injury. Fresh weight of stem and root at maximum tillering stage in unfiltered chamber were 16.8 and 46.4% less than filtered air chamber, respectively. Grain yield in unfiltered air chamber was also reduced by 14.7% compared to that of filtered air chamber. And the reduced yield paralleled increase in concentration of oxidants in the atmosphere at the experimental site. ABA content in rice plants cultivated in unfiltered air chamber was higher than in filtered air chamber, but the root activity of rice plants in unfiltered air chamber was remarkably decreased.