Journal of Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (치과방사선)
- Volume 13 Issue 1
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- Pages.151-162
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- 1983
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- 1225-049X(pISSN)
Radiographic study of bone deformans on charged condylar head position in TMJ arthrosis
악관절증에서 과두위변화에 따른 골변화양상 분석
- You Dong Soo (Dept. of Radiology, College of Dentistry, Seoul National University)
- 유동수 (서울대학교 치과대학 치과방사선학교실)
- Published : 1983.12.01
The author analyzed the morphologic changes of bone structure from 848 radiograph is (424 joints) of 212 patients with temporomandibular joint arthrosis, which were obtained by the oblque-Iateral transcranial projection and orthopantomography. The interelation of the bone changes and condylar head positions the results were as follows: 1. In the 212 patients with TMJ arthrosis, 210 patients(99.05%) show the condylar positional changes. Among them, 187 patients 989.05%) show the bone changes. 2. In TMJ arthrosis patients with bone changes, 10% patients(57.75%) show both the condylar positional changes and bone changes. 66 patients( %) show the condylar psoitional changes bilaterally and bone changes unilaterally. On the other hand, 11 patients (5.88%) show the condylar positional changes unilaterally and bone change bilaterally. 3. The bone changes in the TMJ arthrosis patients with the condylar positional changes were as follows: There were the flatlening of articular surface in 103 cases (26.55%) the erosion in 99cases 925.57%), and the erosion in 88 cases (22.68%). There were not much differences among the three types of bone changes. And the deformity in 70 cases (18.04%), the sclerosis in 22 cases(5.67%), the marginal protiferation in 6 cases(1.55%) were seen. 4. The regions of bone changes in TMJ arthrosis patients with condylar positional changes were as follows: They occurred at the condyle head(51.04%), the articular eminence(39.20%) and the articular fossa(9.60%) in that order. The condylar positional changes and bone changes according to the regions were as follows: a) In the bone changes at the condyle head, the flatteming (34.63%) was a most frequent finding and the deformity(27.63%) the erosion(24.32%) in the order. In the condylar positional changes, the downward positioning of condyle(41.44%) was a most frequent finding in the mouth closed state and the restricted movement within the articular fossa(35.46%) in the mouth open state. b) In the bone changes at the articular eminence, the eburnation(33.26%) was a most frequent finding and the flatteming(31.16%), the erosion(28.37%) in that order. In the condylar positional changes, the downward positionirg of condyle(39.81%) was a most frequent finding in the mouth closed state and the restricted movement within the articular fossa(24.77%) in the mouth open state. c) In the bone changes at the articular fossa, the eburnation(72.90%) was amost frequent finding and theerosion(17.76%), the sclerosis(9.35%) in that arder. In the condylar positional changes, the downward positionirg of condyle(41.5%) was a most frequent finding in the mouth closed state and the mormal positionirg of condyle(27.78%) in the mouth open state.