養蠶適地選定에 관한 調査硏究

Survey Studies on Serviceable Sericultural Communities in Korea

  • 발행 : 1983.10.01


1. 우리나라 養絲業은 ‘60年代 以後 ’70年代 前半期까지 急伸長하여 ‘76年에는 蠶繭生産量은 年平均 18.5%, 뽕밭面積은 年平均 16.4%가 減少하여, 養蠶生産基盤이 約 1/3로 萎縮되어, 生絲類 供給不足 現狀이 深化되어 養蠶基盤確保問題가 重要課題가 되고 있다. 2. 養蠶基盤 激減의 原因은 70年代 後半期 以後 國際景氣沈帶에서 오는 絲價의 下落, 輸入觀制等의 外部的 要因과 繭價引上率의 鈍化, 養蠶收益性의 相對的 底現狀이 두드러지게 나타났다. 이 現狀은 農業地帶別로 보면 ‘76年 대비 ’80年의 蠶繭生産量이 嶺南의 山間混作地帶가 33%減으로 가장 安定된 反面 江原道를 비롯한 準山間 田作地帶가 70%減으로 가장 크게 變動되었고, 이를 다시 行政單位別로 보면 慶南山淸等 6個郡은 20%未滿減인데 비해, 江原三陟等 16個郡은 80% 以上減이다. 面單位로 細分하여 보면 25個面은 오히려 增産되었고 143個面은 80% 以上이나 減少하는등 地域單位가 적어질수록 그 격차가 크게 나타나고 있음을 알 수 있다. 4. 蠶繭生産量의 增減과 가장 깊은 상관관계가 있는 것은 農家戶當 蠶繭生産量의 減少率로서 各道 다같이 正의 상관관계를 나타내었으며, 10a當 蠶繭生産量의 多寡와 一般耕地面積 및 밭面積中의 뽕밭面積 比率도 主要한 要因으로 作用하였다. 5. 養蠶經營 및 技術實態를 (79年 대비 81年) Computer에 의하여 精密調査하고자 農業地帶別로 17個郡 464里洞을 대상으로 調査한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 戶當蠶繭生産量 農業地帶別은 大差 없으나 比較的 安定된 里洞(79대비 81, 20%未滿減)은 戶當生産量이 ‘79年 100.8kg에서 81年이 122kg로 增産, 不安定里洞(40% 以上減)은 102.9.kg에서 82kg로 減産되었다. 2) 10a當 收繭量 山間地 보다 平野地가 많으며 安定里洞은 73.4kg, 不安定里洞은 55kg였다. 3) 가지뽕치기 普及率 山間地 보다 平野地가 높으며 安定里洞은 79年3 養蠶의 普及率.이 24.2%, 秋蠶은 16.7%에서 ‘81年4은 34.3% 10.1%로 各各 擴大된 경향이나, 不安定里洞은 81年이 春蠶 13.3%, 秋蠶 12.6%로 安定里洞에 비하여 크게 떨어지고 있다. 4) 養蠶複合經營의 類型 <養蠶十水稻十特作>이 55%로 가장 많고 <養蠶十水稻十一般作物>과 <養蠶十水稻가 各各 14%를 차지하고 있으며 養蠶所得이 農業所得에서 占하는 比重이 20%未滿 里洞이 81%나 되어 完全複合經營管 形態에는 이르지 못하고 있다. 5) 農業公害와 農藥型態 農業公害는 平野地에서는 主로 水稻에서 오는 것이 많고 그 被害 時期는 秋蠶期가 大部分을 차지하고 撒布農藥은 液劑가 65%, 粒劑가 35%로 粒劑使用 比重이 낮은 것은 價格이 비싼 때문이다.

These studies have been carried out to find better locations for sericultural service regardless of the international silk market fluctuation in Korea. In order to acieve the purpose, various investigations and analyses have been carried out for more than four hundred sericultural communities to find out the main factors which caused to decrease in cocoon production in spite of a gloomy past silk market. Now, we believe that we have set up some fundamental guide lines in developing sound serviceable sericultural communities in Korea in case the government accepts the written advices, and the results obtained are as follows: 1. The Korean sericulture has been very prosperous from the 60's to the 70's. In 1976 the cocoon production was at its peak, reaching 41,704M/T from which its decline took place with annual averages of 18.5% for total cocoon production and 16.4% for mulberry field. These figures represent a quantitative decrease to one-third of the total amount in 1976. Since then, the Korean sericulture had continuously suffered from a shortage of raw silk resulting in a slow development of sericulture. At present, a steady development through all possible measures is great importance. 2. The downfall of the korean sericulture resulted from two factors of such as the external, which led to the decline in the price of raw silk at the international market and restrain of import and, the internal, resulting in the little increase of cocoon price and a comparatively lower benefits from the sericulture than from other cash crops. 3. The already established sericultural zone collapsed and then reorganized with the outstanding regional specialization so the decline in total cocoon production in the country. Based on the agricultural regions, 1980 cocoon production was very stable in the mountaineaus area of the east-south which used with intercropping. In this area there was small decline of 33% compare with that of the 1979, and with 70% decline in the dry field farming area of Kangwon Do. In an administrative districtwise, six counties beginning with Sanchnung county of Kyungsang Nam Do, showed less than 20% decline of cocoon production, sixteen counties beginning with Samchuck county of Kangwon Do marked above 80% decrease of cocoon production. In the smaller unit area-wise, there was a big difference among them. twenty-five myons rather increased and a hundrd fourty-three myons decreased above 80% of it. 4. The cocoon production was positively correlated with the decreasing percentage of cocoon production per household. It was also affected by the ratio of the mulberry field area to the total cultivated area per household and cocoon productivity per 10a. 5. Four hundred sixty-four villages in the seventeen counties were surveyed on the basis of farm management and techniques concerned ('80/'79), and then the results were evaluated by using of computer. These results are summarized as foolows: (1) Cocoon production per household There was no difference among the agricultural regions in cocoon production. The cocoon production per household in the comparatively stable villages increased from 100.8kg in 1979 to 122kg in 1981. Cocoon yield in the stable villages decreased by 20% of '81/'79. The cocoon production per house hold in while that of the unstable villages decreased by more than 40% from 102.9kg in 1979 to 82kg in 1981. (2) Cocoon yield per 10a mulberry field The cocoon yield per 10a was higher in the plain area than in the mountaineous area. The stable villages had an average of 73.4kg cocoon yield/10a while the unstabe ones had only an average of 55kg. (3) Adoption the mulberry branch rearing method The branch rearing method was more popular in the plain area than in the mountainous area. In the stable vilages adopted 24.2% in spring and 16.7% in autumn of 1979. In 1981 it shwed increases of 34.3% and 10.1% in the two seasons respectivly. However, the unstable villages showed 13.3% and 126% in both seasons, respectively. (4) The patterns of the combined management system in the sericultural farming The popular management system in the sericultural from was combined with rice and other cash crops, showing 55% of the total households surveyed. Fourteen percent of the households combined the management system with rice and other cash crops and 14% of the households combined with rice only. The villages wich earned less than 20% of the total income from the sericulture reached 81% of the total houscholds indicating that they were still far beyond a complete combination system. (5) Damage by agricultural chemicals The damage caused by agricultural chemicals was mainly due to the protection of rice against insectpests and diseases in the plain areas and took place mostly in the autumn season. The chemicals applied was 65% of Iiquid and 35% of powder forms and 35% of damage was from granulat form of the chemicals. The use of the granular chemicals was low because of high cost.
