육계생산과 도계유통에 관한 조사연구

A Study on Production, Dressing and Marketing of Broiler

  • 발행 : 1983.10.01


The Purpose of this study is to examine both supply and demand side of broiler chicken in Korea. Especially the paper aims to investigate the broiler chicken production Dressing and marketing pattern which may affect the demand for it. It is generally understood that broiler chicken production becomes unstable because of frequent market price fluctuation mainly due to disequilibrium of quantities demanded ana supplied It is important to point out that marketing in the form dressed chicken has been enforced by the regulation in Seoul area since March 1st, 1983, though live birds have been customarily marketed for year. It is assumed that the subsituation of chicken meat for beef would save foreign exchanges, because increasingly large amount of beef is imported mainly thanked to a chronical shortage in local production. Main findings of this study may be summarized as follows: 1) Broiler chicker production has been rapidly increased recently, estimating 180-200 million head per year with the trend of contineous increase year after year. Price fluctuation during the year is found, especially summer and winter mainly due to seasonal demand change. It is known that mal-funconing of broiler chicken market may be one of the causes for a large Price fluctuation. Accordingly the increase of marketing efficiency may reduce the price fluctuation and also positively impact on creating demand for the chicken consumption. 2) It is also interesting to note that 90 percent of broilers are grown on the floor and almost 86 percent of total broilers composed of so called high-bros, weighing on an average more than 1.6kg per head Approximately 8 weeks are required for of around marketing birds at the feed efficiency of around 2.3-2.5 Average broiler farm raises between 1,000 and 2,000 head, showing a quite small scale of operation. Only a few sampled farmers follow an all-in and all-out method in broiler production.
