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A Study on managing Electric Application in Family-Mainly Refrigerator-

  • 발행 : 1983.12.01


The purpose of the study, was to investigate Housewives behavior on how to buy refrigerators and how to use them. Besides, their knowledge and keeping ability of electricity and refrigerator is estimated according to regional differences, their ages, their educational courses, and their income. In the report, W e can see if it is related to the years of married life, numbers of the family, having jobs or not, and numbers of marketing a week. The subjects were 675 mothers of the students in the selected schools, at Seoul, Cheongjoo, and Kwesan gun. They answered to the questionnaire devised for the study. their answers were analyzed in percent to grasp their general trend of electricity and electric Appliance. Chi-square test and F-test are chosen to grasp the Cor-relationships between the related variables. The results are as follows: 1) The average rate of possesing the refrigerators is 84.06%. It shows us that the housewives in Seoul possess the more refrigerators than those in other areas. At ages, form 30 to 40 aged women gave the most refrigerators than any other ages women. It reveals us the high income and high educational housewives have high rate of possessing refrigerators. 2) They answered that they purchased the refrigerators by necessity. we can see their motivation of purchasing them is very reasonable. However, we can see that they do not manage the refrigerators well, because the rate of using them during four seasons is only 12.34%, An age of 20year old housewives mostly purchased the refrigerators at the time of marriage. The women who bought them after marriage answered that they mostly took a consultation with their husbands when they bought the refrigerators. They regarded the trade marks of the manufactures and size of the refrigerators, as they bought them. And most of them bought the refrigerators for cash. 3)At homes in Seoul, the kinds of retained foods in the refrigerator are more than those of the house in the city and in the agricultural town. The high income and high educational housewives tend to retain the more kinds of foods. But there are no significant differences between the essential variables such as the numbers of the family, the housewives having jobs or not, and the numbers of marketing. 4)Generally their knowledge on electricity and the refrigerator is very low. However, it shows the statistically significant differences. the housewives in Seoul have more information about refrigerator than the housewives in agricultural town. At ages , the women less than 29 years old have more information about the refrigerator, and the woman who had university education and high income tend to know much about the refrigerator. 5) The keeping ability of the refrigerator is very good, and there are no significant differences among variables. And also it shows that there is no correlationship between their knowledge and their keeping ability.
