海洋 亂流境界層內 斷續性의 流體力學的 意義

  • Published : 1983.12.01


The Intermittent phenomena of the turbulent momentrm transports were closely examined in order to know the nature of intermittency and its fluid dynamic implications in the oceanic turbulent boundary layer. Also the connection between the observed intermittency and the bursting phenomenon was studied in detail. In this investigation, strong intermittency of turbulent momentum transports were found and the peak values of Reynolds stress (i,e., u'w') was about 408 times greater than average Reynolds stress (u',w') in the mid-layer and 270 times greater in the uppcrlayer of the turbulent boundary layer. These values are far greater than presently known maximum value, namely 30 times greater than the average Reynolds stress reported by Gordon (1974) and Heathersaw (1974). The distribution of Reynolds stress were extremely non-normal with the mean peak occurrence period of 5 minutes in the mid-layer and 1. 1 minutes in the upper layer of the turbulent boundary layer. Each teak lasted about 2 seconds in the mid-layer and 1.1 seconds in the upper layer of the turbulent boundary layer. Our dimensionless period of peak occurrence are found to be 33.3 in the mid-layer and 7.3 in the upper-layer, which are substantially larger than the often quoted values of 3.2-6.8 for the bursting period (Jackson, 1976). Some workers have interpreted that the intermittency phenomenon is the retlect of burst across their probe of the currentmeter (Gordon, 1974; Heathersaw, 1974). However, it was known that the burst can be found very near bottom boundary with smoothed bottom (i,e., friction Reynolds number$\leq$3,000) in the laboratory experiments. Through this investigation, it was found that the intermittent strength of the turbulent momentum transports does not conclusively indicate the characteristic feature of the boundary layer turbulence with a rough bottom (i,e., friction Reynolds number$\geq$10$\^$5/).

海洋 亂流境界層內 亂流運動量輸送의 斷續性 現象에 對하여 그 本質을 把握 하고 流體力學的 인 의미를 규명하기 위한 영구를 기원했다.또한 단속성 현상과 작비현상의 상호관계도 아울러 연구했다. 본 연구를 통해 난류경계층내에서도 중간층에 속하는 z/h=0.067층에서는 단속성의 크기가 평균난류운동량 수송의 408배의 달하고 상부층 즉 z/h=0.1층에서는 270배에 달함이 밝혀져,이제까지 보고되었던 Gordon(1974)이나 Heathersaw(1974)의 30배의 월등히 크다는 것이 새로운 사실이다. 일부 학자들은 단속성현상을 자기현상의 반영 또는 자기의 유통계의 부딪혀 나타나는 현상이라고 해석한바 있으나 (Gordon,1974; Heathersaw,1974),본 연구에서 밝혀진바에 의하면,이는 마찰 Reynolds 수가>$10^{5}$인 실제해양의 난류경계층내 난류운동의 특징이라는 사실이다.
