Splines via Computer Programming

  • Published : 1983.01.01


Traditionally, polynomials have been used to approximte functions with prescribed values at a number of points(called the knots) on a given interal on the real line. The method of splines recently developed is more flexible. It approximates a function in a piece-wise fashion, by means of a different polynomial in each subinterval. The cubic spline gas ets origins in beam theory. It possessed continuous first and second deriatives at the knots and is characterised by a minimum curvature property which es rdlated to the physical feature of minimum potential energy of the supported beam. Translated into mathematical terms, this means that between successive knots the approximation yields a third-order polynomial sith its first derivatives continuous at the knots. The minimum curvature property holds good for each subinterval as well as for the whole region of approximation This means that the integral of the square of the second derivative over the entire interval, and also over each subinterval, es to be minimized. Thus, the task of determining the spline lffers itself as a textbook problem in discrete computer programming, since the integral of ghe square of the second derivative can be obviously recognized as the criterion function whicg gas to be minimized. Starting with the initial value of the function and assuming an initial solpe of the curve, the minimum norm property of the curvature makes sequential decision of the slope at successive knots (points) feasible. It is the aim of this paper to derive the cubic spline by the methods of computer programming and show that the results which is computed the all the alues in each subinterval of the spline approximations.
