한국산 고유식물의 종속지 III. 노루오줌속 식물의 분류와 종간유록관계

Monographic Study of the Endemic Plants in Korea III. Taxonomy and Interspecific Relationships of the Genus Astilbe

  • 정영호 (서울대학교 자연과학대학 식물학과)
  • 발행 : 1983.06.01


The analysis in external morphology of Astilbe including three endemic species in Korea was undertaken. From this study, five species and three varieties of Astilbe in Korea were redescribed. Their scientific names and Korean names were also consulted. Korean Astilbe could be grouped in two Series-Series 1. Simplicifoliae; Astilbe simplicifoliae and Series 2. compositae; A. taquetii, A. microphylla, A. chiensis var. chinensis, A. chinensis var. paniculata, A. chinensis var. davidii, A. divaricata, A. koreana. Interspecific relationships of eight taxa were represented as a toxonomic model by the considering their external morphology-pubescence on floral axis and surface of leafblade, inflorescence type, ratio of petal and stamen length-and distributional range in Korea and neighboring countries.
