부정류 해석에 의한 금강하류부 홍수위결정

Flood Stage Determination by Implicit Nymerical Technique

  • 선우중호 (정회원, 서울대학교 공과대학 부교수(공박))
  • 발행 : 1983.06.01


One of the techniques to determine flood stages in natural channel is to find the solution of unsteady flow equations such as continuity and momentum equations. Since the exact analytic solution of these equations are not Known, the implicit numerical scheme is widely accepted tool for the approximate solution of equations. This technique is applied to the downstream of Daechung Dam in Geum River for the determination of flood stage for given frequency. However the flood stages are greatly affected by the method of reservoir Operation Method and Technical Operation Reservoir Method. Obviously, the Tech. ROM is found to be superior to Auto ROM.
