韓國海岸植物의 生態學的 硏究 - 西海岸의 沙丘植生에 關하여 -

Ecological Studies on the Coastal Plants in Korea -On the Sand Duen Vegetation of the Western Coast-

  • 발행 : 1983.04.01


The dominant species of the sand vegetation in the western coast of Korea were Carex pumila, Ischaemum antheporoides, Calystegia soldanella, Carex kobomugi and Imperata cylindrica var. koenigii. The salt content of the sand dune soil and of the atmosphere of surveyed areas ranged from 3.93 to 13.86 mg% and from 25.81 to 168.86mg% respectively. Between the salt content of the atmosphere and that of the soil positive relationship was found. Species density and Simpson's index increased with the distance from the coast, the former was exponential, however, the latter was linear. The composition of biological types in the investigated stands were H-D4-R1-3-e or H-D4-R1-3-t. Relative numbers of psammophytes and rhizome psammophytes decreased with the distance from the coast, but those of other plants increased. The standing crop of the sand dune vegetation ranged from 0.04 to 491.64g/m2 and the average 27.77g/m2. This was varied as the stands and showed a linear increment as the distance from the coast was increased. The salt content of atmosphere significantly affected the density, T/R ratio in the standing crop and Simpson's index. The salt content of soil showed similar tendency on the density and the T/R ratio.
