섬진강 하구 염습지 갈대군락의 생산성과 토양양분의 계절적 변화

Seasonal Changes in the Productivity and Soil Nutrients of Phragmites communis Community in the Salt Marsh of the Sumjin-River Estuary

  • 발행 : 1983.04.01


Seasonal changes of the soil nutrient contents and aboveground biomass, relationship between the soil nutrients and the productivity, and the net efficiencies of solar energy conversion were studied in two reeed communities (Phragmites communis Trin.) at the salt marsh in the estuary of the Sumjin-River from April 30 to October 9, 1981. The inorganic nutrients such as exchangeable sodium and potassium of soil were decreased during growing season. The amounts of organic matter, exchangeable sodium and potassium, total nitrogen, and available phosphorus in stand $\prod$ were much more than those of stand $\coprod$ . Productivity of Phragmites communis was positively correlated with the soil nutrients such as available phosphorus, exchangeable potassium and total nitrogen. The maximum dry matter productions of the aboveground parts in stand $\prod$ stand $\coprod$ were $ 1, 120g/m^2; and; 843g/m^2$ in August, and the net coversion efficiencies of PhAR based on growing season (April to September) were 1.77% and 1.33%, respectively.
