Hog Cholera 병돈(病豚)의 뇌(腦) 및 임파장기(淋巴臟器)에 관한 병리조직학적(病理組織學的) 연구(硏究) III. 뇌염소견(腦炎所見)에 대하여

Histopathologic Studies on the Brain and Lymphoid Organs in Hog Cholera III. Encephalitis of Pigs and Rabbits

  • Kwak, Soo-Dong (Gyeongbug Animal Health Experimental Institute) ;
  • Lee, Cha-Soo (Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Agriculture, Gyeongbug National University)
  • 발행 : 1982.10.09


This study was undertaken to clarify the histopathological changes of pigs naturally infected with hog cholera. Microscopic observations of the brain as well as clinical observations were carried out for the naturally and experimentally infected pigs with hog cholera viruses. Electron microscopically the vascular cuffings of the brain were also observed in the experiment. In addition, clinical and pathological studios were carried out in the rabbits inoculated with ALD, lapinized and isolated strain of hog cholera virus, respectively. The results obtained are as follows; Vascular cuffing of the brain was observed in about 97% of the natural cases and all of the experimental cases. Among the 496 cuffed blood vessels of natural cases, intramural cuffing (82.9%), intramural and perivascular cuffing (11.9%) and perivascular cuffing (5.2%) were seen, respectively. Electron microscopic findings on cuffed blood vessels of the brain were endothelial cellular degeneration, intramural separation and vacuolation, perivascular vacuolation and infiltration of pleomorphic lymphoid cells. In the rabbits dosed with tissue suspension of the lymphoid organs and isolated hog cholera virus, high body temperature and vascular cuffing of the brain were observed, meanwhile these changes were more significant in pre-injected cased with indian ink.
