Supported by : 산학협동재단
Recent concern regarding price and availability of fossil fuels has spurred the interest in alternative sources for farm crop drying. Among the available options such as biomass energy, wind power, nuclear energy and solar energy etc., the increasing attention is being directed to the utilization of heat from solar energy especially for farm crop drying. Even though solar energy is dispersed over a large land area and only a relatively small amount of energy can be simply collected, the advantages of solar energy is that the energy is free, non-polluting. The study reported here was designed to help supply the informations for the development of simple and relatively inexpensive solar warehouse for farm crop drying and storage. Specifically, the objectives of this study were to determine the performance of the solar collector fabricated, to compare solar supplemented heat drying with natural air drying and to develop a simulation model of temperature in stored grain, which can be used to study the effects due to changes in ambient air temperature. For those above objectives, solar collector was fabricated from available materials. Corrugated steel galvanized sheet, painted flat black, was used as absorbers and clear 0.2mm polyethylene sheet was the cover material. The warehouse for rough rice drying and storage was constructed with concrete block, and the solar collector was used as the roof of warehouse instead of original roofing system of it. The results obtained in this study were as follows: 1. The thermal efficiency of the solar collector was average 26 percent and the overall heat transfer coefficient of the collector was approximately
태양열(太陽熱)을 이용(利用)한 곡물(穀物)의 건조(乾燥)와 저장(貯藏)을 겸할 수 있는 농가용(農家用) 태양열(太陽熱) 저장고(貯藏庫)의 개발(開發)에 필요(必要)한 기초자료(基礎資料)를 얻기 위(爲)하여 구조(構造)가 간단(簡單)하고 가격(價格)이 저렴한 콘크리트 벽체의 저장고(貯藏庫)와 그 지붕을 대신(代身)한 태양열집열기(太陽熱集熱器)를 설계(設計) 제작(製作)하여 집열기(集熱器)의 성능(性能)을 실험(實驗)에 의(依)하여 구(求)하였으며 집열기(集熱器)에서 가열(加熱)된 공기(空氣)와 상온통풍(常溫通風)에 의(依)한 벼의 건조특성(乾操特性)을 비교(比較) 분석(分析)하였다. 건조(乾操)된 곡물(穀物)의 저장시(貯藏時)에 그 온도(溫度)를 예측(豫測)할 수 있는 simulation model을 개발(開發)하여 그 적합성(適合性)을 검정(檢定)하고 저장곡물(貯藏殺物)의 각(各) 부위(部位)에 대(對)한 온도(溫度)의 변화(變化)를 분석(分析)한 결과(結果)들을 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1. 본(本) 실험(實驗)에 설계(設計) 제작(製作)된 태양열집열기(太陽熱集熱器)의 효율(效率)은 평균(平均) 26%였으며 총열전달계수(總熱傳達係數)는 약(約)
Supported by : 산학협동재단