Herpes Simplex Virus에 감염된 Mouse의 NK세포역할

A Role of Natural Killer Cell in Mouse Infected Herpes Simplex Virus

  • 이연태 (가톨릭대학 의학부 미생물학교실) ;
  • 이종훈 (가톨릭대학 의학부 미생물학교실)
  • Lee, Yun-Tai (Department of Microbiology, Catholic Medical College) ;
  • Lee, Chong-Hoon (Department of Microbiology, Catholic Medical College)
  • 발행 : 1982.12.31


A model of induction of neoplasia by viruses has develpoed from experimental studies in animals and in cultured cells and oncogenic transformation of cells is the result of integration of viral genetic information into the cellular DNA. The evidence for these associations was derived primarily from seroepidemiologic investigation. However, data indicating that the relation between HSV-2 and cervical cancer fits the model derived from experimental animal studies are not yet sufficient to draw conclusion with regard to the etiologic role the virus in the development of the neoplasms. In other hand, the K562 tumor cell is highly susceptible target for natural killer cell lysis by the lymphocytes of human and murine periperal blood. The characteristics of this effector cell type has been investigated. A study on natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity(NKMC) against $^{51}Cr$-K562 as target cell was studed in HSV-2 infected ICR mouse. We have studied for susceptibility of HSV-2 against mouse embryo fibroblast(MEF) cells and NKMC from HSV-2 infected mouse. The results obtained that the mouse embryo fibroblast cells culture, the number and size of the cells were markedly increased and formed a monolayers relatively rapid, and become complete monolayer sheet around 72 hrs. Duration of cytopathic effect on MEF cells was rapid by serial passing of HSV-2. The morphology of the HSV-2 infected cells appear to be mainly round, ovium, spindle form and some of them was forming large giant cells. The NKMC was decrease in mouse with HSV-2 and comparison between effector/target cells ratio as 25:1 and 50:1 respectively, the NKMC was found to be more significantly decreased than normal control we have concluded that the natural killer cell activity of the viral infected mouse was shown as a suppressed during the HSV-2 infection, day 7th and 14th.
