Use of Soft X-ray Photography for Studying Seed Quality in Grass and Tree

초류(草類) 및 목본식물(木本植物)의 몇가지 종자형질(種子形質)에 대(對)한 Soft X-ray의 이용(利用)

  • Received : 1982.01.15
  • Published : 1982.03.30


Soft X-ray photography was used to study some characters of seeds, such as fullness, damage by blight and harmful insects and degree of mechanical damages, degree of development of embryos and endosperms, size and position of cotylendons, existence and position of twin seed. Thirty nine species of woody plants (31 angiosperms and 8 gymnosperms)and four species of herbs were examined in this study. The results showed that through the mechanism of the selective sensitivity of seed structure of soft X-ray, seed characters mentioned above could be recognized regardless of size of seeds and thickness of seed coat. We concluded that it is possible to use soft X-ray photography reliably to find out the various characters of seeds.

본(本) 연구(硏究)는 초류(草類) 4종(種)과 목본식물(木本植物)의 피자식물(被子植物) 31종(種)과 나자식물(裸子植物) 8종(種), 계(計) 43종(種)에 대(對)한 Soft X-ray photography에 의(依)한 종자(種子)의 몇 가지 형질(形質)을 조사(調査)하기 위(爲)하여 시험(試験)한 결과(結果), 종자(種子)의 대소(大小), 종피(種皮)의 후박(厚薄)에 관계(關係)없이, 배(胚)와 배유(胚乳)의 발달정도(發達程度), 자엽(子葉)의 크기와 착생부위(着生部位), 그리고 쌍자종자(双子種子)의 유무(有無)와 그의 착생상태(着生生態) 등(等)의 종자충실성(種子充實性)과 병충해(病虫害), 기계적(機械的) 상해등(傷害等)은 X-ray에 대(對)한 선택적(選擇的) 감수성(感受性)이 있어 Soft X-ray법(法)은 식판별(識判別)에 유효(有効)하다고 할 수 있다.
