C.V.P. 분석에 있어서 학습곡선의 적용에 관한 연구

A Study on the Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis Adjusted for Learning Curve

  • 연경화 (대전실업전문대학 경영과)
  • 발행 : 1982.09.01


Traditional CVP (Cost-Volume-Profit) analysis employs linear cost and revenue functions within some specified time period and range of operations. Therefore CVP analysis is assumption of constant labor productivity. The use of linear cost functions implicity assumes, among other things, that firm's labor force is either a homogenous group or a collection homogenous subgroups in a constant mix, and that total production changes in a linear fashion through appropriate increase or decrease of seemingly interchangeable labor unit. But productivity rates in many firms are known to change with additional manufacturing experience in employee skill. Learning curve is intended to subsume the effects of all these resources of productivity. This learning phenomenon is quantifiable in the form of a learning curve, or manufacturing progress function. The purpose d this study is to show how alternative assumptions regarding a firm's labor force may be utilize by integrating conventional CVP analysis with learning curve theory, Explicit consideration of the effect of learning should substantially enrich CVP analysis and improve its use as a tool for planning and control of industry.
