Link의 한정이용도 상태에 대한 연구

A Study on the Limited Availability of the Link in a Communication Nework

  • 발행 : 1982.12.01


通信網에 있어 加人者에 대한 서어비스品質을 표시하는 point-to-point congestion을 single Moment分析法에 의해 구할 때는 link 공급 트래픽의 정확한 계산이 필수적이다. 本論文에서는 종래 link의 全利用度狀態에서 계산되었던 link공급 트래픽이 根定利用度狀態에서 계산되어야 함을 증명하고 그 公式을 유도했다.

Point-to-point congestion, a criterion by which service quality in a communication network is estimated, Can be obtained by single moment method of analysis, point-to-point congestion can be computed by link blocking probability in turn is calculated by link offered traffic. Consequently, exact calculation of link offered traffic is vital to analysis of communication network. In this paper a fomula which facilitaties the calculation of link offered traffic in the limited available state of links, is derived.
