Partially Balanced Resolution IV' Designs in a 2^m-Factorial

  • Paik, U.B. (Department of Statistics, Korea University)
  • 발행 : 1982.06.01


Srivastava and Anderson(1970) illustrate a method of obtaining Balanced (but not orthogonal) Resolution $IV^*$ designs starting with a BIB design. The incidence matrix of a BIB design with parameters (v, b, r, k, and $\lambda$) is utilized to obtain Balanced Resolution $IV^*$ designs with m factors and n=2b runs, where $m \leq v$. In this paper, the same idea is extended to the case of PBIB designs to obtain Partially Balanced Resolution $IV^*$ designs. In the designs obtained here the variances are balanced and the covariances are partially balanced with respect to the main effects. A proof of this property of Partially Balanced Resoultion $IV^*$ designs is given. The efficiency of Partially Balanced Resolution $IV^*$ designs is also considered and examples of Partially Balanced Resoultion $IV^*$ designs are included.



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