Bowl-형 Halloysite를 Host 격자로 한 새로운 Intercalation 화합물(I) (화학반응성에 따른 Nagano-Halloysite의 특성화 연구)

Neue Schichteinlargerungsverbindungen des schalenfoermigen Halloysits als Wirtsgitter (I) (Chemische Charakterisierung des japanisohen Nagano-Halloysits durch Intercalationsreaktionen)

  • 발행 : 1982.03.01


Bowl 형태의 일본산 Nagano 점토에 대한 분류 및 특성화 연구를 하였다. 결정입자 크기를 1$\mu$ 이하로 침강분리 시킨후 전자현미경으로 결정형태를 관찰하였다. 아울러 결정형태, 구조적 결함 및 intercalation 반응성의 상호관계를 검토하기 위하여 tube 형태의 한국산 halloysite 및 plate 형태의 kaolinite를 비교 조사하였다. 특이한 Bowl 형 Nagano 점토는 tube형 halloysite와 화학 반응성에서 동일하여 극성 내지는 hydrogen bridge 결합을 하는 guest 분자와 반응하여 층간삽입 화합물을 형성 하였다. 화학반응성에 따른 점토분류방법에 의해 Nagano 점토가 halloysite임을 밝혔으며 아울러 결정의 형태는 반응성에 영향을 미치지 않음을 알 수 있었다.



  1. Tonmincrale v.3 no.17 Sonderdruck aus Ullmanns Encyklopaedic der technischen Chemie A. Weiss
  2. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. no.16 The structure of the chlorites L. Pauling
  3. Amer. Mineralogist v.47 The cell dimensions and symmertry of layer lattice silicates(1) : some structural considerations E.W. Radoslovich;K. Norrish
  4. Mineral. Mag. no.31 Further consideration of cystal structure of kaolinite G.W. Brindley;M. Nakahira
  5. Amer. Mineralogist no.48 The cell dimensions and symmertry of layer lattice silicates(Ⅳ) : Interatomic forces E.W. Radoslovich
  6. Kristallografiya no.5 Electron-diffraction determination of the structure of kaolinite B.B. Zvyagin
  7. Transl. Faraday Soc. no.44 Complexes of clays with organic compounds(Ⅰ) : Complex formation between montmorillonite and halloysite and certain organic liquids D.M.C. MacEwan
  8. Clay Minerals Bull. no.3 Clay mineral complexes with organic liquids D.M.C.MacEwan
  9. Z. Anorg. Allgem. Chem. no.284 Ueber das Anionenaustauschvermoegen der Tonmineralien A. Weiss(et al.)
  10. Am. Mineralogist no.44 Oriented penetration of ionic compounds between the silicate layers of halloysite K. Wada
  11. Am. Mineralogist no.44 An interlayer complex of halloysite with ammonium choride K. Wada
  12. Clay Minerals Bull. no.4 The cation exchange capacity of hydrated halloysite and the formation of halloysite-salt complexes W.G. Garrett;G.F. Walker
  13. Proc. Intern. Clay. Conf. Stockholm no.2 Ueber das Einrollen von Kaolinitkristallen zu Halloysitaehnlichen Roehrenund einen Unterschied zwischen Halloysit und roehrchenfoermigem Kaolinit A. Weiss;J. Russow
  14. An. Edafol. Agrobiol. no.25 Complejos interlaminares de caolinita y galloisita con liquidos polares M.S. Camazano;S.G. Garcia
  15. J. Phys. Chem. no.82 Intrared spectra of kaolin mineral-dimethyl sulfoxide complexes S. Olejnik(et al.)
  16. Clay. Minerals no.9 Complexes of halloysites with organic compounds R.M. Carr;H. Chih
  17. Z. Naturforsck no.23b Zur Existenz von Kaolinit-Hydraten K.J. Range(et al.)
  18. Dissertation J.H. Choy
  19. Diskussionsvortrag v.17 Hauptversammlung der GDCh in Muenchen J.H. Choy;A. Weiss
  20. Intern. Clay. Conf. A. Weiss
  21. Z. Naturforsch v.27b no.10 R. Schollhorn;A. Weiss
  22. Proc. Intern. Clay. Conf. Tokyo no.1 Fire-clay type kaolinite or fire-clay mineral? : experimental classification of kaolinic-halloysite minerals K.J. Range(et al.)
  23. Proc. Intern. Clay. Conf. Jerusalem no.2 Klassifizierung von Halloysiten und Kaoliniten mit unterschiedlicher Fehlordnung durch ihr Reaktiopsvermoegen ind Vergalten bei sehr hohen Drucken A. Weiss(et al.)
  24. Z. Naturforsch no.33b Neue Intercalationskomplexe von Eisen(Ⅲ) oxidchloride, FeOCl A. Weiss;E. Sick