천연 규회석을 이용한 신속소성소지 구성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Fast-firing Body with Natural Wollastoitne

  • 안영필 (한양대학교 무기재료 공학과) ;
  • 최의석 (한양대학교 무기재료 공학과) ;
  • 김복희 (한양대학교 무기재료 공학과)
  • 발행 : 1982.02.01


As raw materials wollastonite, kaolin and pyrophyllite were used to synthesize mullite, anorthite and pseudowoll-astonite which were known as low thermal expansion substance. Increasing the amount of wollastonite in the composition resulted in a linear thermal expansion behavior. However, the increases of pyrophyllite indicated the relatively unstable themmal expansion behavior, because the phase transition occured in quartz of the pyrophyllite compositon. To lowering sintering temperature feldspar (Kebook and Anyang) were added in the composition that showed the linear thermal expantion behavior, and over 50'C were lowered.



  1. Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull v.46 no.9 Effect of firing Rate on Physical Properties of Wail Tile W. H. Orth
  2. Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull v.38 no.9 Properlies of Fast-Fired wollastonite Tile A. Polar;R. B. Jones
  3. Glass and Cream. v.31 no.2 Synthesis of Wollastonite and Its use in Ceramic Bodies L. M. Saltevskya,;Z. A. Livson(et al.)
  4. Ceram. Japan v.6 no.10 Development of Once-Fire Fast Firing Ceramic Tile from Synthetic Wollastonite Y. Shiraki
  5. 窯業學會誌 v.13 no.2 迅速燒成 號타일 素地의 開發에 關한 硏究 安永弼;崔朧;黃正吉;金建國
  6. Interceram v.23 no.1 Once Firing:Pro-blems and Solutions A. Baudran;R. Ducarre
  7. Ceramics v.24 no.8 Recent Experience in Fast Firing Ceramic Products W. Harms
  8. Cream. Ind. Mag v.99 no.10 Germany Streamlines Firing Opera-tions D. Harkort
  9. Onoda Kenlcyu Hokoku v.22 no.2 Studjes on Synthetic Pseudowoll-astonite Pt.1 Fumiko S(et al.)
  10. 窯業學會誌 v.14 no.3 國産天然原料를 사용한 珪灰石一灰長石系 鑛物 合成에 關한 硏究 안영필;정복환;김성일;최롱
  11. Ceram. Bull v.50 no.6 Anorthite Ceramic Dielecirics R. A. Gudla