개방성 동맥관이 병존하는 대동맥교약증의 치험 1예: 역리 고혈압 및 Mesenteric arteritis syndrome 의 치험

Coarctation of the aorta associated with a patent ductus arteriosus:a case with postoperative hypertension and mesenteric arteritis syndrome

  • 발행 : 1982.09.01


An 11 year old boy with a preductal coarctation and a patent ductus arteriosus underwent ligation of the ductus and patch aortoplasty for correction of the coarctation. His postoperative course was complicated by a paradoxical hypertension and a transient mesenteric arteritis syndrome which were successfully managed with sodium nitroprusside, propranolol and hydralazine. His urine catecholamine tests were markedly elevated one week after the operation which returned to normal 4 days later. Some of the salient points ~n the pathogenesis and management of these problems are discussed.
