공정분석(工程分析)에 관(關)한 세부적용(細部適用) 기법(技法) 보고(報告)

  • 발행 : 1982.06.01


The main idea of this report, which deals with the process analysis in outfitting fields, is to improve working methods and further to secure higher productivity by removing unreasonable work factors in the workshop with the economical point of view. For this purpose, a series of techniques has been applied to some parts of chronically less productive outfitting works, expecting less man hour consumption and better working conditions to go with it. That is to make full use of process chart flow diagram(man & machine chart gang process chart). The text gives brief introductions of the charts respectively and the appendix shows actual practice directly applicable for the guidance of utilizing these charts. As the result of this, some of unreasonable work factors are removed from the total cycle and finally standard working method & time can be come out by reasonable working time and gradually improved working method.
