A Study on Possible Interaction between Nicotine-specific Nitrosamines and Nucleic Acid Bases by Molecular Orbital Theory (I) N'-nitrosonornicotine and Its Metabolic Intermediates

분자궤도 함수이론에 의한 니코틴 특이 니트로사민과 핵산염기와의 가능한 상호작용에 관한 연구(I) 니트로소놀니코틴과 그 대사중간물질

  • Published : 1982.09.01


The intermediate of N'-nitrosonornicotine may bind to the guanine moiety of a G-C base pair. The hydrogen bond of the base pair may be broken and a new hydrogen bond can form between the intermediate and the guanine. It results in the "short" type of DNA repair.NA repair.
