야외(野外)에서 Splash Erosion 측정(測定)에 관한 연구(硏究)

A Measurement of Splash Erosion Under Natural Rainfall

  • 발행 : 1981.11.25


자연강우하(自然降雨下)에서 modified Ellison Cup에 의(依)해 Splash Erosion 양(量)을 각(各) 토성별(土性別) 작촌체계별(作付休系別)로 측정(測定)하였으며 Splash Erosion 양(量)과 강우인자(降雨因子)(R), 토양인자(土壤因子)(K), 작물인자(作物因子)(C)와 비교검토(比較檢討)한 결과(結果) 1. 콩-보리 재배시간중(裁培時間中) Splash Erosion 양(量)은 토성(土性)이 미세(微細)할수록 적었으며 식양토(埴壤土) 7.0ton, 양토(壤土) 9.7ton, 사양토(砂壤土) 9.0ton, 양질사토(壤質砂土) 12.6 ton/10a/년(年)이었다. 2. Splash Erosion 양(量)은 강우인자(降雨困子)(R치(値))와는 정(正)의 상관(相觀), 토양인자(土壤因子)(K치(値))와는 부(負)의 상관(相觀)이 있었다. 3. 작물인자(作物因子)에서 피복도(被覆度)가 50% 이내(以內)에서는 Splash Erosion과 강우인자(降雨因子) 사이에 상관(相觀)을 보였으나 피복도(被覆度)가 증가(增加)할수록 감소(減少)하고 90% 이상(以上)에서는 상관(相觀)이 없었다. 연간(年間) Splash Erosion 양(量)은 10~15ton/10a/년(年) 범위(範圍)이었다. 4. Splash Erosion에 의(依)하여 이동(移動)된 토양(土壤)의 입도(粒度) 분포(分布)는 원토양(原土壤)과 비슷하였으나 세사(細砂) ($250{\sim}100{\mu}$)가 가장 많이 비산(飛散)되었다.

The experiment was designed to measure splash erosion and to investigate the relationships between soil detachment, kinetic energy and C factor at various soils and crops under the natural rainfall, using the modified Ellison cup. The results obtained were as follows: 1. Splash erosion increased as the texture was coarser, reaching a maximum amount in loamy sand of 12.6ton/10a/year, 9.7ton for loam, 9.0ton for sandy loam, and 7.0ton for clay loam. 2. Splash erosion positively related to kinetic energy ($EI_{30}$) but negatively to K value. 3. A considerable relationship between splash erosion and kinetic energy was observed under coverage less than 50%; however, it decreased with increasing canopy resulting in no relation over 90% coverage. The amount of soil detachment by natural rainfall ranged from 10 to 15ton/10a at various cropping systems. 4. The particle size distribution of splashed soil was similar to that of original one and fine sand($250-100{\mu}$) marked the highest detachment and splash.
