Effect of Artificial Diet on the Selection in the Silkworm, Bombyx mori

人工飼料에 의한 蠶品種 選拔效果에 관한 硏究

  • Published : 1981.01.01


It is necessary to improve new silkworm variety suitable for the artificial diet different from the mulberry leaves in physical and chemical natures. The silkworms fed on artificial diet show low productivity in general. So the effectiveness of selection for cocoon characters was studied when the silkworms were reared on the artificial diet for several generations. The results obtained are as fellows: 1. There is no correlation between the cocoon shell weight and the cocoon shell percentage in female cocoons of both Sa and Y strains but in male cocoons. 2. No correlation exists between the weight of a cocoon and a cocoon shell percentage of male cocoons in Sa strain. 3. There is a specific effect of the artificial diet on selection between Japanese and Chinese strains compared with the mulberry leave rearing. 4. The cocoon quality of first generation in artificial diet rearing was very inferier to that of previous generation in mulberry leave rearing in both Sa and Y strains, but the effect of selection rapidly increased in first and second generation.5. Very high mortality was noted in 4th generation to the degree of hardness for successive generation. 6. From 6th generation to 10th generation, the effectiveness of selection for cocoon characters increased continuously except the cocoon shell percteage.

누에의 人工飼科는 物理的 또는 化學的으로 뽕잎과는 그 性質이 매우 다르기 때문에 고치 生産性에 있어서 뽕잎의 경우 보다 不良한 成績인데 이 欠點을 解決하기 위하여는 우선 人工飼科에 適合한 品種이 育成되어야 한다. 그러므로 本試驗에서는 人工飼科育에 의하여 優良系統을 選拔했을 때에 發生하는 現象을 究明코저 遂行하였으며 그 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 암고치의 繭層重과 繭層比率과의 相關關係는 Sa와 Y에서는 없다. 2. 숫고치에서 Sa系統의 全繭重과 繭層比率과는 相關關係가 없다. 3. 人工飼科育에 있어서 日本種系統과 中國種系統은 각각 選拔效果가 特異하게 나타났다. 4. 桑葉育에서 人工飼科育으로 전환하는 第1世代에서는 Sa와 Y系統이 모두 매우 不良한 成績을 나타냈으나 第 2, 3世代에서 急激하게 증가하여 選拔效果는 매우 컸다. 5. 第 4 世代에서는 致死率이 매우 높았기 때문에 第 5世代는 桑葉育으로 繼代 增殖하였다. 6. 第 6 世代에서 10世代까지 選拔效果는 계속 증가하였는데 繭層比率만은 例外이었다.
