Application of Liquid Theory to Sodium-Ammonia Solution

  • Lee, Jong-Myung (Department of Chemistry, Jeonbug National University) ;
  • Jhon, Mu-Shik (Department of Chemistry, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
  • Published : 1981.09.30


The significant structure theory of liquids has been successfully applied to the sodium ammonia solution. In applying the theory to sodium ammonia solution, we assumed there were four species in solution, i.e., sodium cation, solvated electron, triple ion, and free electron and equilibria existed between them. Based on these assumptions, we set up the model explaining the anomalous properties of sodium ammonia solution. The partition function for sodium ammonia solution is composed of the partition functions for the above four species and also for the Debye-Huckel excess free energy term. Agreements between calculated and experimental values of the thermodynamic quantities, such as molar volume, vapor pressure, partial molar enthalpy and entropy, and chemical potential as well as viscosity are quite satisfactory.



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Cited by

  1. 진공튜브 속에서 분해하는 리튬암모니아 솔루션의 열전효율 향상 vol.51, pp.3, 1981,