추파형 Primary Octaploid Triticale의 농업형질에 따른 연구

Studies on the Agronomic Characteristics in the Winter Primary Octaploid Triticale

  • Kim, B.Y. (Wheat and Barley Research Institute) ;
  • Ahn, W.S. (Wheat and Barley Research Institute) ;
  • Cho, C.H. (Wheat and Barley Research Institute) ;
  • Bae, S.H. (Wheat and Barley Research Institute)
  • 발행 : 1981.06.01


한국의 기후에 적응성이 높을 Triticale을 육성하기 위하여 조숙 밀품종 중국8001와 호밀 재래종을 촉간교잡하여 새로 육성한 P-Tcl 의 농업적 특성을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같이 1. P-Tcl의 내한성은 밀 조광보다도 강하였으며 재래종 호밀과 비슷하였다. 2. 간장은 양친인 밀과 호밀의 중간 정도인 113cm로 장간이었으며 간은 약한 편이었다. 3. P-Tcl 의 출수 성숙기는 만숙 쪽으로 초월분리되는 것으로 보였으나 출수기로부터 개화기간은 춘파형 Triticale보다는 3~7일 짧았다. 4. P-Tcl의 수량성은 밀보다 낮았으며 이것은 수수가 적고 임실비율이 낮아진데 기인되는 것으로 보였으며 앞으로 내한다수성 추파 Triticale 육성을 위하여 임성과 수수의 증가가 요구되었다.

The experiment was dealt with an investigations on the agronomic potential of primary octraploid triticale in comparion with Chokwang, a major common wheat, local rye cultivar and new triticale selection Suweon #1 and Suweon #2. This octaploid triticale was originated from the cross of Jukoku #81 x Local rye cultivar. The results obtained were summarized as follows; Cold tolerance of the P-Tcl was better than those of the wheat cultivar Chokwang, triticale varieties Suweon #1 and Suweon #2, and comparable to local rye. Culm length of P-Tel was 113cm that was intermediate between the wheat and rye, and its culm thickness was thiner than the checks except the rye. Lateness of heading and maturing date of the P-Tel seemed to be over-dominant. However, flowering date after heading was 3 to 7 days earlier than the Suweon #1 and Suweon #2. Yield potential of the P-Tel was poor in comparision with the triticale cultivar Suweon #1 and Suweon #2 which was attributed to the low fertility and less number of the heads per squ are meter. If it was . improved the low fertility and less number of the valid tillers through the cross with the good secondary triticale it seemed to be an useful material for triticale breeding, expecially for improving cold tolerant winter triticale varieties in Korea.
