Groundwater of bed rocks in South Korean Penninsula

한반도의 암반 지하수에 관한 연구

  • 한정상 (본학회 정회원 한서엔지니어링(주) 사장)
  • Published : 1981.12.01


More than 650 numbers of water well ranging in depth from 100M to 200M were installed in South Korean Penninsula during the last decade for the purpose of industrial use and municipal water supply. Those data were compiled and synthesized by writer to determine their hydrogeologic occurences in accordance with their geologic and areal characteristics. Rocks yielding the deep seated ground water beared in the geologic primary and secondary porosities are classified into 6 groups according to their geologic, hydrogeologic, and topographic characteristics, that are: volcanic, sedimentary, meta-sediment and/or schist, andesitic, gneissic, and granitic rocks. The order of ground water productivity of the groups is as written above. Even granitic rocks including porphyries, granite, and intermediate and basic plutonic rocks is considered to be the most poorest ground water yielding group among 6, it's average yield form a single well with average drilling depth of 116M is about 225 cubic meters per day if it's drilling site is properly located. Generally speaking, seizable geologic structures such as fractured, sheared, and faulted zone at the flat surface and valley center yield almost 310% more of deep seated bet rock ground water in comparision with minor structures of joints, bedding planes, and so on that are occured at high land. 50 numbers of water well drilled at crystalline rocks were specially checked and measured it's ground water yie 1ds at each drilled depth to determine each interval's productivity while hammer drilling was going on. The results indicate that the specific capacity and yield of each water well at a depth below 70M to 80M was almost neglegible. It means that optimum well depth of crystalline rocks, except the area having seizable geologic structures, shall be not deeper than 80M.

암반 지하수의 개발이 현재 국내에서 활발히 진행되고 있으나, 이들 심부 지하수를 배태하고 있는 각종 암류에 대한 그 수리 지질학적인 산출상태를 규명키 위한 연구가 전무한 상태였다. 대체적으로 심부 지하수는 지하 심부에서 발원 형성된 지질학적인 일 및 이차 공극내에 저유된 것으로 그 산출상태가 가장 양호한 암류는 화산암류, 퇴적암류, 변성퇴적암 및 편암, 안산암류, 편마암류 및 화강암의 순이다. 특히 규모가 큰 단층, 파쇄대와 같은 이차 공극이 잘 발달되어 있는 저지대에서의 암반, 지하수의 산출상태는 규모가 적은 절리, 층리와 같은 일 및 이차 공극이 발달된 고지대보다 그 산출상태가 각 암류별로 310% 이상 높다. 특히 결정질암에 대한 적정정호 심도를 구해 본 결과 그 심도는 80m이였다.
