기관삽관에 후발한 기관협착증의 외과적 치료

The Surgical Treatment of the Tracheal Stenosis Following Tracheostomy and Intubation

  • 발행 : 1981.12.01


Eight patients underwent tracheal resection and reconstruction for tracheostomy and postintubation injuries from 1971 to early 1981. The ages ranged from 12 years to 59 years. The patients had 7-cuff stenosis and one stomal lesion in whom intubated long. Four male and four female patients were treated. Cervical approach was used in one, cervicomediastinal in 3 and transthoracic in four. The longest length of resection extended to 4 cm in whom cervico-upper half mediastinal incision and neck flexion were applied. Techniques for obtaining tension-free anastomosis included cervical flexion or division of the inferior pulmonary ligament and mobilization of the right hilum. Concurrent tracheostomy was not needed in all. There was one death at the end of emergency operation from anesthetic accident. Granulations at the anastomosis line, necessitating bronchoscopy, were noted in two and the lesion did not recurred after removal. No restenosis or other complications occurred during long follow-up.
