심장판막질환의 수술성적

Early and Late Clinical Results of Cardiac Valvular Surgery

  • 발행 : 1981.09.01


A total and consecutive 46 patients have undergone cardiac valvular surgery including 8 open mitral commissurotomy and 38 mitral, aortic, mitral-aortic, mitral-tricuspid, tricuspid valve replacements using 46 artificial valves in a period between September 1976 and July 1981. They were 19 males and 27 females with the age ranging from 16 to 50 (mean 32.6) years. Out of 46 valves replaced, 6 were prosthetic valves and 40 were tissue valves, and 33 were replaced in mitral, 9 in aortic and 3 In tricuspid position. Isolated replacements were 33 mitral valves, 6 aortic valves and 1 tricuspid valve; double valve replacements were 6 mitral-aortic valves and 2 mitral-tricuspid valves. . Early mortality within 30 days after operation was noted in 4 cases; 3 after MVR and 1 after open mitral commissurotomy. Causes of death were thrombus obstruction of Beall-Surgitool, Cerebral air embolism, acute renal shut down due to low output syndrome, and left upper pUlmonary vein rupture after open mitral commissurotomy (early mortality 8.7%). 3 late deaths were noted during the follow-up period from 2 to 59 months; 1 due to cerebral hemorrhage from warfarin overdose 3 months, 1 due to miliary tuberculosis 9 months, and another 1 due to cardiac failure after open mitral commissurotomy 42 months postoperatively. Total survival rate 59 months after valvular surgery was 84.8%; there were no early and late death in the group of AVR, TVR and double valve replacements. Preoperative NYHA Class III & IV were 35 cases (76%) out of total 46 cases, and 38 cases (94.8%) out of 39 survival cases were included In NYHA Class I & II during the follow-up period.
