세포질 유전자적 웅성불임계통을 이용한 유체 Heterosis 육종 개발에 관한 연구 제2보 웅성불임계통에 Non-Isogenic Maintainer를 활용한 유체 3원교잡F_1의 형질발현과 F_1종자생육

Studies on Heterosis Breeding in Rapeseed Using Cytoplasmic Male Sterility 2, Agronomic Characteristics of F_1 Seed Production Procedure in the Three-way Crossing of Cytoplasmic-genetic Male Sterile, Non-Isogenic Maintainer and Restorer on Rape (Brassica napus L.)

  • 발행 : 1980.06.01


A $F_1$ hybrid out of 143 crosses of rape (Brassica napus) using cytoplasmic-genetic male sterility yielded 5.18 tons per hectare. European and native varieties used, were found out to have 78% and 58% of genes restoring fertility, respectively. The $F_1$ hybrids of three way cross using non-isogenic maintainer showed higher heteroses than those of double cross. To produce F 1 hybrids of three way cross, three stages of crossing operations are needed and seeds produced from about 60 hectares can be covered to 60, 000 hectares.
