한국연초학회지 (Journal of the Korean Society of Tobacco Science)
- 제2권2호
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- Pages.44-50
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- 1980
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- 1225-2131(pISSN)
잎담배의 재배방법에 따른 생장 분석에 대하여
The Growth-Curve Analysis of Tobacco in Various Cultivation Types
황색종 잎담배의 생장분석에서 얻어진 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 개량말칭의 생장곡선은 대수변환하여 2차 회귀식에, 기타 작부는 Gomuertz방정식과 유사하였다. 2. 건물량에 있어서 최대생장기의 시점은 개량말칭의 경우에 이식후 50일경, 타 작부는40일경이고 최대생장기간은 모두 25일 였다. 3 건물량에 있어서 최대생장기의 생장속도는 개량, 일반, 나지작의 순서로 감소하였다. 4. 파기가 늦을수록 최대생장기 동안의 생장량은 증가했다. 5. 엽면적의 최대생장기간은 건물중에 비하여 약2일 단축되고 5일 정도 빠르게 나타났다.
The growth of flue-cured tobacco was analyzed with the mathematical treatment. The results are summarized as followings: 1. The growth curve was fitted to the quadratic polynomial equation in improved-mulching cultivation, blot to the Gompertz equation in the other cultivations. 2. The initial point of the maximum growth phase for dry weight was about 50 days after transplanting in improved-mulching cultivation, but about 40 days in the other cultivations, and the maximum growth period was for 25 days in all cultivations. 3. The growth rate of the maximum growth period in dry weight decreased in the order of improved-mulching cultivation, mulching cultivation, and non-mulching cultivation. 4. A relative growth amount in the maximum growth period was higher in later sowing. 5. The length of maximum growth was 5 days shorter in leaf area than in dry weight. The maximum growth phase was 7 days earlier in leaf area than in dry weight.