Burly(Nicotiana Tabacum L.Cv Burley)종의 세포질적 웅성불임계통을 이용한 $F_1$ 잡종 이용

Studies on the Utilization of $F_1$ Hybrids using Cytoplasmic Sterility in Burley(Nicotiana tabacum L. Cv Burley) Tobacco.

  • 한철수 (한국연초연구소 전주시험장) ;
  • 조천준 (한국연초연구소 전주시험장) ;
  • 김용연 (한국연초연구소 전주시험장) ;
  • 이규상 (한국연초연구소 전주시험장)
  • 발행 : 1980.05.01


버어리種 담배에 있어서 細胞質的 雄性不稔系統을 利用한 F1雜種 利用 可能性을 究明하고자 MS Burley21$\times$Burley37外 20個 F1雜種을 育成하여 生産力 檢定試驗을 實施한 結果 MS L8$\times$Burley49, MS Kentucky12$\times$kentucky10等 4個의 F1雜種에서 現 栽培品種인 Burley21보다 수량은 2 ~11%, 품질은 1 ~5%의 증가를 보였다.

This experiment was carried out to evaluate the utilization of F, hybrids using cytoplasmic male sterility in Burley tobacco. Four cytoplasmic male sterile lines and their male-fertile counterparts and 21 Fi hybrids and their parents were evaluated for their agronomic performance in replicated field trials. Some F1 hybrids were comparable to Burley 21, the only Burley cultivar in Korea. Among 21 F1 hybrids, MS L8$\times$Burley 49 and three other hybrids showed 2-11% and 1-5% higher yield and price per kg than Burley 21, respectively.
