골격근 小胞體의 ATPase活性에 미치는 二價金屬이온의 영향

Kinetic Studies on the Effects of Divalent Cations on the ATPase Activity of the Fragmented Sarcoplasmic Reticulum of Rabbit Skeletal Muscle

  • 발행 : 1980.07.01


토끼 골격근 小胞體의 ATPase 活性에 미치는 $Hg^{2+}, Cu^{2+}, Pb^{2+}, Cd^{2+}, Mn^{2+}$ 등 2價 陽이온을 영향을 비교 측정하였다. 이들 陽이온은 $Mn^{2+}$을 제외하고 모두 이 酵素의 活性을 阻害하였다. $Mn^{2+}$은 低濃度 (12.5-100 $\mu$M)에서는 오히여 活性을 증가시켰고, 그 보다 高濃度에서는 극히 약하게 阻害하였다. $Mn^{2+}$을 제외한 위의 2價 陽이온들의 阻害龍은 $Hg^2$가 가장 컸고 (阻害係數 Ki = 10$\mu$M), rm 다음이 $Cu^{2+}$ (Ki = 30$\mu$M), $Pb^{2+}$ (Ki = 120$\mu$M), $Cd^{2+}$ (Ki = 320$\mu$M)의 순이었다. 위의 4종의 陽이온들의 ATPase에 대한 阻害作用을 可逆的 非競爭的 阻害로 판정되었다.

The effects of divalent cations, $Hg^{2+}, Cu^{2+}, Pb^{2+}, Cd^{2+}$, and $Mn^{2+}$ on the total ATPase activity of the fragmented sarcoplasmic reticulum isolated from rabbit skeletal muscle were investigated. The inhibitory effects of the cations on the enzyme activity increased as the concentrations of the ions increased with the order of efficiency of $Hg^{2+}$ > $Cu^{2+}$ > $Pb^{2+}$ > $Cd^{2+}$ > $Mn^{2+}$ in the concentration range between 10 and 500$\mu$M. The 50% inhibition for each ion was almost identical with the inhibition constant (Ki) value for each ion. The Ki's were 10, 30 130, and 350$\mu$M for $Hg^{2+}, Cu^{2+}, Pb^{2+}, and Cd^{2+}$, respectively. $Mn^{2+}$ seemed to be an activator at lower concentrations and an inhibitor at higher concentrations. The presence of the cations did not change the Km values, suggesting that the ions act as a reversible noncompetitive inhibitor on the FSR ATPase. The energy of activation of the enzyme was aproximately 19 Kcal/mole. The presence of the ions decreased the value slightly. A possible mechanism for the reversible noncompetitive inhibitory effect of the cations was discussed.
