승모판막 대치이식술 238예 보고

Mitral Valve Replacement : A Report of 238 cases

  • 발행 : 1980.12.01


Since 1968 up to the end of October 1980, 448 valves were replaced in 354 patients in Seoul National University Hospital. There were 238 mitral, 38 aortic, 7 tricuspid, 45 aortic with mitral, 23 tricuspid with mitral, and 3 triple valve replacement aortic mitral and tricuspid cases. Annual increase of mitral valve replacement cases and decrease of operative maortality were remarkable. Recently operative mortality of mitral valve replacement is about 5%. Sex ratio of mitral valve replacement is almost equal and there were 12 cases of pediatric patients (5%) among 238 cases, and patients under the age of 20 years were 34 (14.3%). Mitral valve replacement was done for 199 single mitral, 38 double valve and one triple valve lesions. Among 238 mitral valve replacement paients left atrial thrombus in 23(9.7%), atrial fibrillation in 132 (55.5%), and reoperation after blind mitral commissurotomy in 12(5%) cases were noted. In recent cases bioprosthetic valves, mainly lonescu-shiley valve were utilized to overcome the difficulties of postoperative late complications in anticoagnuation, especially for the rural patients and pediatric cases, in addition to the hemodynamic advantages of lonesocu valve. Among 354 patients 16 cases were congenital heart anomaly related, 5 ventricular septal defect related aortic and 4 Ebstein related tribuspid valve replacement cases. There were 2 congenital anomaly related mitral valve replacements, one for congenital mitral insufficiency of 7 years old boy and one for corrected transposition of the great vessels associated with mitral insufficiency. Among total 354 valve replacements 49 operative deaths (13.3%) were noted and in 238 mitral valve replacement 24 operative deaths occurred (10.1%). In 39 patients among 354 total valve replacements late complications were found. In 238 mitral valve replacement cases late complications were noted in 26 patients, among whom 16 cases expired. Main late complications were thrombe-embolism, subacute becteerial endocarditis, arrythmia cerebral hemorrhage due to unsatisfactory anticoagulation, and congestive heart failure in the incipient period of valve replacement were also noted. In mitral valve replacement cases long-term survival rate was 83.2% who showed marked clinical improvement. Ther were no evidences of calcification during the 2 years follow-up period for the lonescu-valve replacement cases among 19 pediatric patients. In conclusion 238 cases of mitral valve replacement were done with 24 operative deaths and 26 late complication cases among whom 16 expired. The long term survival was 83.2% of the cases. In pediatric cases in place of coumadin anticoagulation Persantin **** 75 and aspirin were administered after valve replacement. In adult cases who have difficulaties with coumadin anticoagulation and for those even with bioprosthetic heart valve replacement who needs long-term or permanent anticoagulation persantin 75 and aspirin combination regimen were administered with antisfactory results.
