Prinzmetal 형 및 불안정형 협심증에 대한 관상동맥 회로수술

Aorto-Coronary Bypass for Prinzmetal's Variant Angina and Unstable Angina -2 Cases Reports-

  • 홍필훈 (연세대학교 의과대학 흉부외과 심장내과)
  • 발행 : 1980.06.01


A double aorto-coronary bypass procedure performed in 2 cases, one with a Prinzmetal`s variant angina and the other with an unstable angina, is presented. The patient with a Prinzmetal`s angina who had a high-grade obstruction of the left anterior descending and the right coronary system showed a marked postoperative improvement with complete disappearance of anginal pain. The other patient with unstable angina had obstruction of the left anterior descending as well as a marginal branch of the left circumflex artery. Following bypass of these vessels, the patient did well during the immediate postoperative period. However, he developed hypotension in the recovery room and died 6 hours postoperatively, in spite of an intensive effort at resuscitation. The most likely cause of death in this patient is a myocardial infarction.
