Heparin-Protamin Sulfate 상호작용의 실험적 연구


Heparin would have been used for preventing clotting of blood during extracorporeal circulation and subsequent use of protamine sulfate and made possible the neutralization of heparin. This procedure has been adopted for eliminating one of the great causes of bleeding, especially in cardiac surgery. In this experiment, the hypocoagulability of blood induced by heparin followed by neutralization with treatment of protamine sulfate were estimated by the Lee-White clotting time [CT], partial thromboplastin time [PTT] and protamine titration test. The results were as follows: 1] Comparison of clotting time between the heparinized [2.0 mg/kg] and non-heparinized dogs was done using CT and PT`I` of the blood. In heparinized group [Group I], the CT lasted infinitively and prolongation of PTT [4 times than normal] until 60 minutes. The CT [2 times] and PTT [3 times] has been shortened after 90 minutes, however they returned to normal limit level within 180 minutes. 2] The determination of appropriate ratio of heparin and protamine In vivo were performed. The group II [heparin 2.0 mg/kg, protamine 1.0 mg/kg] revealed rapid decrease of CT and PTT, but returned to normal after 120 minutes. The group III [heparin 2.0 mg/kg, protamine 2.0 mg/kg] returned rapidly to normal within 15 minutes. The group IV [heparin 2.0 mg/kg, protamine 3.0 mg/kg] recovered its normal level after 60 minutes. The group V [heparin 2.0 mg/kg, protamine 4.0 mg/kg] recovered its normal level after 90 minutes. 3] In the combined experimental study In vivo and vitro, the protamine titration test was done using the dog which were given 2.0 mg/kg and 3.0 mg/kg of heparin, respectively and coagulation time were checked after 15, 30, 60 and 120 minutes. The complete neutralization was showed to be heparin-protamine ratio of 1:1 to 1.5. 4] In vitro study, fresh blood was drawn into known amount of heparin content [20, 40, 60 and 100/ug per 1 ml of blood] syringe, thereafter protamine titration test was done. In all cases, the complete neutralization was found in heparin-protamine ratio of 1:0.85 to 1.5. 5] It was found by the present experiment that the ideal heparin-protamine ratio was 1:1 within 60 minutes and 1:0.5 after 60 minutes for avoiding the serious side effect due to overadministration of protamine sulfate.
