흰쥐의 내분비선 및 혈장성분에 미치는 뇌하수체척출의 영향과 이에 대한 성 Hormone의 효과

The Effect of Hypophysectomy and Subsequent Administration of Sex Hormone on Several Endocrine Glands and Plasma Components in Rats

  • 발행 : 1980.05.01


The present experiments were carried out to elucidate the effects of hypophysectomy and subsequent administration of sex hormone on thyroid, adrenal gland, gonads and blood plasma components in the rat. The jresults obtained were summarized as follows: The weight of the thyroid gland of both male and female hypophysectiomzed rats decreased markedly from 7 days up to 56 days after the hypophysectomy as compared to the control group. The administration of sex hormone (6 mg of testosterone propionate to male and 6 mg of hexestrol to female) to the hypophysectomized rat gave on effect on the change in the weight of the thyroid gland. The hopophysectomy decreased the uptake of radioactive iodine in the thyroid gland in both male and female rats with time. Subsequent administration of the sex hormone caused no effect. With regard to the histological changes of the thyroid gland, the hypophysectomy caused significant changes in the gland showing a remarkable degeneration. The function of the gland seemed to disa, pp.ar almost completely on 56th day after the hypophysectomy. Upon the administration of sex hormone after the hypophysectomy, however. the epithelia of the follicle which has changed to flat from has partly returned to its functional cubicfrom and nuclei recovered as nearly as normal. These recovery were more remarkable in the female than in the male. The hypophysectomy kept causing a significant decrease in the weight of the adrenal gland in male and female rats during the period of observation (up to 56 days) as in the case of thyroid gland. The administration of sex hormone has on effect in this respect either. The hypophysectomy also caused a marked morphological change in the gland: zona fasciculata and zona reticularis were dicreased in size quichly after the hypophysectomy. The administraton of the sex hormone to the hypophysectomized rat resulted in clear distinction among the three layers of the adrenal cortex which otherwise very diffused. In the male, this phenomenum was more remarkable than in the female and the pattern of the cell arrangements and the thickening of each layer became similar to those of normal rats. The gonads of both sexes have also kept decreasing in the weight and degenerated in morpohology after the hypophysectomy. However, the degenerate follicle became enlarged after the administration of hexestrol in the female. Furthermore, the vacuoles found in interstitial cells of hypophysectomized rat disa, pp.ared after the administration of testosterone in the male and the formation of spermatocytes seemed to be recovered. Hypophysectomy also caused a gradual increase in the contents of total protein, non-protein nitrogen, total lipid, cholesterol and calcium in the blood plasma with time. The concentrations of sodium, potassium and chloride in the blood did not change after the hypophysectomy. Sex hormone caused practically no change in above tendency.
