Wave Phase Shift of a Submerged Circular Cylinder

  • Published : 1980.03.01


Herein the flow past a submerged circular cylinder with a free surface is mapped onto a reference plane, in which the free surface is transformed to a straight line and the cylinder to a certain shape. A global mapping function between two planes is sought in a manner that linear free-surface elevation is generated in the physical plane. Hereby the Froude mumber $F_h$, based on the submergence depth h', is assumed to be of order 0(1) and the ratio a'/h'(a'=cylinder radius) of order o(1). Wave thus obtained are slightly different in magnitude and phase from usual linear solution. The resulting free wave starts advanced ahead compared to the classical result and its amount depends on Froude number. Based on the present concept wave forces are calculated. In this type of approach the body boundary condition gives more influence on wave resistance than that by the free surface in the speed range $F_h>1$.
