과학기술연구자(科學技術硏究者)의 업무수행도(業務遂行度) 및 생산성(生産性)에 관한 종합적(綜合的) 고찰(考察)

Performance and Productivity of Researchers in the Area of Science and Technology : A Review

  • 발행 : 1979.12.31


This review focuses on the individual performance and productivity of researchers in the area of science and technology. The researchers in the paper are classified into individual inventors without organizational affiliation and researchers in the organization, which are distinguished by cosmopolitanic professionals and local institutionalists. The productivity of researchers is in general measured by different indicators or measurement scales such as: i) subjective evaluation of overall research performance, (ii) the number of published papers, reports and books, iii) the quality of research output (e.g. citation frequency), iv) originality of research ouput (e,g, patents), v) multiple measurement scales, etc. According to the literature based on empirical study, the productivity of individual reseachers is positively related to the degree of freedom, communication, diversity, dedication, and motivation and negatively related to the degree of similarity, and satisfaction. However, other factors such as creativity, age, supervisory behavior and group characteristics have shown irregular direction of correlation.
