흰불나방 핵다각체병바이러스의 성상과 병원성에 관한 연구

Studies on the Nature and Pathogenicity of Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus of the Fall Webworm, Hyphantria cunea (Drury)

  • 임대준 (잠업시험장 잠상보호연구담당관실) ;
  • 현재선 (서울대학교 농과대학 농생물학과) ;
  • 백운하 (서울대학교 농과대학 농생물학과) ;
  • 임종성 (경북대학교 농과대학 잠사학과)
  • Im Dae Joon (Silkworm & Mulberry Protection Research Room, Sericultural Experiment Station, ORD) ;
  • Hyun Jae Sun (College of Agriculture, Seoul National University) ;
  • Paik Woon Hah (College of Agriculture, Seoul National University) ;
  • Lim Jong Sung (College of Agricultural, Kyung Buk National University)
  • 발행 : 1979.03.01


1975년 수원 잠업시험장에서 분리한 흰불나방 핵다각체 바이러스 성상과 령기, 화기별 및 병원체 보존조건에 따른 병원성을 검정하기 위하여 핵다각체 바이러스를 현탁액 및 건조시켜 실온$(18.5^{\circ}C)$, 냉장$(5^{\circ}C)$, 냉동$(-80^{\circ}C)$에 각각 보존, 이병사체는 그대로 양지 음와 지에 보존하였고 야외에서의 병원성, 가잠에 대한 교우감염을 검정한 결과 다음과 같다. 1. 흰불나방 핵다각체는 4면체와 6면체로 크기는 약 $2.0{\mu}$이고 바이러스 입자는 간상형의 $2\~12$본으로 $33m\mu\times35m\mu$이었다. 2. 6각형의 흰불나방 중장핵다각체 바이러스는 중장의 핵에서만 발견되었다. 3. 령기별 $LD_{50.}$ 2,3,4 및 5령에 대해 $8.377\times10^4,\;4.974\times10^5,\;2.621\times10^6$$9.471\times10^6PIBs/ml$ 였으며 $1.45\times10^6\;PIBs/ml$에 대한 $LT_{50}$은 각각 9.6, 11.5, 12.0 및 17.3일 이었다. 4. 핵다각체 바이러스는 1화기 유충보다 2화기 유충에서 감수성이 높았다. 5. 핵다각체 보존은 둔화건조하여 냉동 및 냉장보존하거나 이병사체를 음지에 보존하는 것이 바이러스 활성도의 감소가 적었다. 6. 야외에서의 효과적인 살포농도는 $6.4\times10^7\;PIBs/ml$이며 이의 $LT_{50}$은 3령은 4.8일, 5령은 14.2일이었다. 7. 흰불나방 핵다각체 바이러스와 가잠의 핵다각체 바이러스는 상호 교우감염을 일으키지 않았다.

An inclusion forming virus isolated from a fan webworm, Hyphantria cunea, in 1975 was identified as a nuclear polyhedrosis virus. With the virus isolated in Korea, it was considered that the virus would be one of the valuable microorganism in microbial control. In this connection, 1) the shape and size of the virus for identification, 2) susceptibility of the various instar larvae to the virus, 3) the effects of storage condition on the pathogenicity and the cross infection of the virus to the larvae of Bombyx mori were examined. The results are summarized as follows; 1. The polyhedron was tetrahedron or hexahedron of $2\mu$ in size and the rod-shaped virus particles consisting of $2\~14$ rods in a bundle were $330m{\mu}\times35m{\mu}$ in size. 2. The hexagonal nuclear polyhedra were found only in the nucleus of the midgut cells but were variable in size. 3. The $LD_{50}$ values for the various instar larvae of H. cunea were $8.377\times10^4\;PIBs/ml$ for the second, $4.974\times10^5\;PIBs/ml$ for the fifth instar larvae. The $LT_{50}values$ for $10^6\;PIBs/ml$ were 9.6 days for the second, 11.5 days for the third, 12.0 days for the fourth and 17 days for the fifth instar larvae. 4. The susceptibility of H. cunea to the nuclear polyhedrosis virus was greater in the first generation than in the second generation. 5. The effect of the storage conditions on the pathogenicity of the nuclear polyhedra was less in refrigerator $(5^{\circ}C)$ and in freezing $(-80^{\circ}C)$ than in room temperature $(18.5^{\circ}C)$, especially as air-dried polyhedra than as suspension. The pathogenicity of the polyhedra seemed to decrease by sunlight during storage as cadavers, since rather greater decrease in pathogenicity was found in sunny condition than in shady condition. 6. The effective spray concentration was $6.4\times10^7\;PIBs/ml$ in the field and its $LT_50$ values for the third and the fifth instar larvae were 4.8 days and 14.2 days, respectively. 7. No cross infections were found in the nuclear polyhedrosis virus between H. cunea and B. mori. larvae.
