Korean Journal of Veterinary Research (대한수의학회지)
- Volume 19 Issue 2
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- Pages.107-113
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- 1979
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- 2466-1384(pISSN)
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- 2466-1392(eISSN)
Histopathological Observations on Hemorrhagic Fatty Liver in Chicken Induced by Thyroidectomy or Thiouracil Administration
갑상선절제(甲狀腺切除) 및 Thiouracil 투여(投與)에 기인(起因)한 닭의 출혈성(出血性) 지방간(脂肪肝)에 관한 병리조직학적관찰(病理組織學的觀察)
- Kim, Soon Bok (Institute of Veterinary Research, Office of Rural Development) ;
Lee, Cha Soo
(Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Agriculture, Gyeongbug National University)
- Published : 1979.09.30
In the chickens removed the left thyroid gland or administrated with thiouracil, fatty liver (FL) and fatty liver-hemorrhagic syndrome (FLHS) were induced within five weeks after treatment. FL was observed in all of the thyroidectomized layer and broiler hens, and the occurrence of FLHS was higher in rate at the fifth week than that at the third week after removal. FL and FLHS were observed in the thiouracil-administrated broiler hens, but the rate of incidence was appeared to be lower in the thiouracil-administrated hens than in the thyroidectomized chickens. It was suggested that hypothyoidism could be an important factor inducing FLHS.